Family & Friends 

Whether you come to my location or you have the workshop at your own house, on your own terrace, you can invite who ever you like. Maybe it is your birthday or you just want to meet friends and be creative. Another nice idea would be to have a family reunion. Whatever company, it will always be fun and besides everybody will bring something home with them. Everybody can paint whatever they like, choose a picture that I will bring or they can bring their own picture to paint. 

Bachelor or Hen Party 

For a truly original bachelor party, opt for a workshop 'Painting Pottery'. You and the bride-to-be will paint porcelain. For example, you can paint a 'dowry' together: everyone paints a part of, for example, a tea set or tapas set for the bride. Of course you can also get started for yourself.


If you want to organize a workshop for your company and your colleagues, you could for example choose to paint you logo or your product. Besides it will be good to spent time together in a relaxed atmosphere, not being at work! Off course it is possible to organize the workshop at your company address. Or, have a workshop as part of a management training day. A good way to relax during such an intensive day.

Children's Party

For children from 8 years old I can organize a workshop 'Painting Pottery' as a children's party. What could be more fun than being creative with your little friends? I will naturally adapt the program to the age of the child, but at every party the children themselves get to work painting and coloring the image chosen by the birthday girl or boy on the pottery. Or they can choose an image themselves. At the end of the workshop, everyone will have a unique and colorful memory of the party.

Baby shower

Together with friends, paint a nice plate or bowl for the new world resident. How cozy and a lasting memory during the baby's birthdays. You can choose items that match the mommy-to-be, such as images and colors of the room or birth announcement. Of course you can also choose something neutral if you don't know whether it will be a girl or boy….everything according to mom's wishes!


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